Anyway .. the good stuff. A while back my friend (apparently I attract others with similar qualities) shared a fun app with me for my smart phone. Out of Milk. For those of you like me, I have had my smart phone for a little over a year and I am certain I under utilize it. So needless to say it took me a little while to start using the app (and must admit I still am only using a very small portion of it).
This app is great! I love it - well worth the money. Site says $1.99 today, but I may have paid $4.99. You can use it obviously on your phone, but also on your computer, which I think is a really nice feature.
Today though I wanted to play around with the Pantry List part of the app - it helps you keep track of what you have in your pantry and how much. Great right! Well unless you have to sit and manually enter each item. NO! It has a scan that let's you use your phone to scan the barcode, look up the item, and then you simply add the quantity.
I just tackled my spice rack today and spent about 15 minutes scanning the draw.
I am still learning how to use it, but it is just so darn cool I had to share.